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You're Welcome Here!

We see church as a place to call home. An open door, that extends to everyone who desires to discover and develop a real relationship with a loving and grace-filled God.

Sevice Times

We would love to have you join us!


10am & 6pm
In Person 

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In every season, Groups are the backbone of church life, ensuring Sunday services are paired with authentic connection throughout the week.

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Request Prayer

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Through Christmas Box, we aim to pack and deliver 3,250 boxes of food essentials and festive treats to bring hope to the table to those who need it most across South Australia 

Expansion is an invitation for us as a church and as individuals to consider how we could reach further into the community around us, a call to go into all the world and tell others about Jesus, rather than waiting for them to come and see.

"The Church is more than a place we attend, it is what we become."

- Paul & Maree de Jong, Founding Pastors

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